Registration > Abstract Guidelines

The organising committee strongly encourages students and young scientists to actively participate in the Symposium by submitting their abstracts.


9 short talks and 30 posters will be selected from abstract submissions and evaluated by the keynote speakers.

The French Society of Genetics and Diagomics are generously sponsoring the prizes of 250€ for the best short talk and 100€ for the best poster.

Once you are registered, you can submit your abstract for oral and poster presentations.

You can apply for short talk, poster session or both. In this latter case, do not forget to submit your abstract twice.


right_chevron.png Abstract instructions
- Abstracts should be written in English.

- Abbreviations can be used after writing the full phrase first.

- The abstract title should not exceed 20 words and abstract itself 250 words.

- No images, figures or tables are accepted in the abstracts.

- Once submitted, your abstract cannot be modified. If you experience problems with your submission or would like to change your abstract, please contact the organising committee.


right_chevron.png Short talk instructions

- You will have 10 minutes to present your work followed by a10 minutes question session.

- The powerpoint presentation will have to be send the 20 november 2018 to the organising comitee in pdf format.


right_chevron.png Poster instructions

- The maximum poster size is A0, which is 841 x 1189 mm (33.1 x 46.8 in).

- The poster orientation should be portrait.



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